About kristen
In a recent interview Kristen told Greg Archer of The Huffington Post about her love of writing.
"I was always a story-teller and that’s what writers do; we tell stories. I was the little girl who could keep her friends interested for a couple of hours by telling all different types of stories. I wrote my first story, "Bobby Jones and the Little Boat" when I was nine. My imagination was, and is, very fertile and active. In high school I created a sort of soap opera and, each day during study hall, I would hand out the next part of the story. I made sure to always leave a cliffhanger of sorts with each new part to stir up anticipation. I love the magic in writing and reading a good story.
My book shelf is eclectic: everything is there from the classics by Shakespeare, Austin and Dickens, to Victorian English dramas such as John Galsworthy’s The Forsyte Saga, up to the classic horror of Stephen King and Anne Rice. I also love The Number One Ladies’ Detective Agency series and anything written by Amy Tan especially The Bonesetter’s Daughter. Reading, and writing, is my escape and my pleasure."
Kristen began her dream of writing while still actively teaching Linguistics on the secondary level. Her first book, And Then I'll Be Happy! was published in 2009. No Woman Diets Alone-There's Always a Man Behind Her Eating a Doughnut followed in 2011, and Welcome to Hell was released in 2012. She hopes her novels will touch readers with humor and poignancy, suspense and delight.
When not spending time with the made up characters in her head, Kristen enjoys ballet and jazz, spending time with her patient and terrific husband, Alan, swimming, scuba-diving and trying to live an endless summer.
Kristen is a philanthropist and tireless advocate for BroadwayBarks, North Shore Animal League, a no kill shelter, Shelters With Heart, a safe haven for victims of domestic violence and their pets, BroadwayCares Equity Fights Aids, and St. Jude Thanks and Giving. She is also involved as an empowerment mentor for the International Women's Health Coalition.